Public Panic2



With the information we got from the previous problem we can surely get on their system!

For this challenge you can run nmap, but only against on port 8622.


Upon running nmap, we can see that port 8622 is running ssh

nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap -Pn -p 8622 

From the previous challenge, we know the password is defaultpw5678!

We just need to figure out the username, at first we thought the username was somewhere on twitter, but slowly we found out that doesn’t seem to be the case

So we thought of making up a wordlist of possible usernames using different naming conventions and running it with hydra

Here are the naming conventions that were used along with an example

name # kern           
Name # Kern
lastname # sherman
Lastname # Sherman
firstletterofnameLastname # kSherman
firstletteroflastnameName # sKern
firstletterofnamelastname # ksherman
firstletteroflastnamename # skern
NameLastname # KernSherman
namelastname # kersherman
nameLastname # kernSherman
Namelastname # Kernsherman
Name_Lastname # Kern_Sherman
name_lastname # kern_sherman
name_Lastname # kern_Sherman
Name_lastname # Kern_sherman
Name.Lastname # Kern.Sherman
name.lastname # kern.sherman
name.Lastname # kern.Sherman
Name.lastname # Kern.sherman
LastnameName # ShermanKern
lastnamename # shermankern
lastnameName # shermanKern
Lastnamename # Shermankern
Lastname_Name # Sherman_Kern
lastname_name # sherman_kern
lastname_Name # sherman_Kern
Lastname_name # Sherman_kern
Lastname.Name # Sherman.Kern # sherman.kern # Sherman.kern
lastname.Name # sherman.Kern

Use this naming convention for every member in SagishiTech(around 12 people i think) and you should be able to make a wordlist of about 350+ lines, run that with hydra and you’ll get a hit at cshackleford:defaultpw5678!

